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Zion Lazou

Miss Rebecca, Thank you for being such an important part in Zion’s development and your effort during the period. Miss Ingrid, With your guidance, Zion has developed into a confident and capable child. Thank you Miss Jenny, Thank you for being so kind, thank you for the support. You are the best! Miss Razana, Thank you for giving Zion great scope to grow, really appreciate. Dear Ladybird Team, We cannot put into words all the wonderful things that you are. Thank you for the most special memories and the great journey that Zion has been on. We truly think that you are all so amazing and will miss you very much. From day one, Ladybird made us feel safe and in good care. Thank you for being understanding, when myself and Zion are travelling for work and keeping me posted on Zion’s updates. Thank you for your patience, positivity, welcoming, support, care and incredible experience that Zion has had. He is now ready to step into FS2 full of confidence. I am so grateful to you all and I believe this is by far the best nursery in Dubai. We will never forget all the love and care that Zion had in your care and I will forever be grateful for Ladybird Team and all of you for making us feel so safe and happy. Our experience in Dubai would have not been the same without you all. Thank you for making our time with you so fun, loving and magical. Zion is a smart, funny, happy and confident boy and I have you all to thank for this. I feel the care he had has shaped him into this incredible little boy, thanks to you all for bringing this out. To Miss Rebecca, Miss Ingrid, Miss Jenny and Miss Razana, we will miss you so much. We wish we could have you as our teachers forever. Miss Priscilla you are amazing, caring and warm, we will miss you. Thank you 10.07.2024