
Nicky Vidaurre

Dear Ms. Helen,

Nicolas has had a phenomenal year in Mrs. Das’s Red class at Ladybird! We wish it would never end and that he could continue to learn and grow under her care and guidance. Nicolas has made tremendous progress socially, emotionally and academically this school year and his confidence has blossomed in Mrs. Das’s classroom.

Mrs. Das is a truly gifted teacher with an outstanding work ethic. She runs an extremely fun but organised and disciplined classroom. With her gentle yet firm manner she expects a lot from the children and is unwilling to accept less than their best. The children understand what is expected of them and as a result strive to be their best selves. She has constantly encouraged and motivated Nicolas with affirming words and has instilled in him a love for school and learning.

I believe Mrs. Das has a true gift for educating children. She was certainly the perfect match for our son and we will always be grateful for her hard work and dedication.

We would also like to thank you and the whole Ladybird team for providing such a nurturing, fun and inspiring leaning environment and for supporting our children and their teachers throughout.


Nicky Vidaurre
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