

Ladybird Nursery has been our favourite nursery since before we even had children! Both my niece and nephew went to Ladybird (as far back as 2008!) and our family hasn’t looked back since!

Marco is our second child to graduate from Ladybird, and we are very much looking forward to continuing our relationship with Ladybird when our 3rd son Alexander joins next year.

Over the years we did look around at other nurseries closer to where we live, but none would match the warmth, love and care we’ve experienced over the years at Ladybird. The time that the staff and teachers spend on building a positive relationship and trust with the child when they first join Ladybird has been an instrumental approach in making it feel like a second home for my children.

Another important factor that we’ve always held high on our list of priorities was the level of education and the Montessori curriculum offered at the nursery. Not many nurseries in Dubai offer that, and our experience at Ladybird has been amazing. Our children were very well prepared to join one of the best English schools in Dubai. The well rounded curriculum at Ladybird made their transition to ‘Big School’ very easy!

Our experience at Ladybird has been amazing. We’ve built years of beautiful memories and we have the teachers and staff at Ladybird to thank for that!

Nathalie & Riccardo Covezzi
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