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Kate joined Ladybird in April 2018 in Butterflies class. We fell in love with the Nursery from day 1 and have had such an amazing journey at this very special nursery.

We were ad her time with Ms Rita, Ms Rina and Ms Kumari was so brief as they were so lovely, however we were so lucky and fortunate for Kate to move into Yellow Class under the care of Ms Tehniyat, Ms Julie-Anne and Ms Roshini – they are such a special bunch of ladies and we will be sad to say goodbye in July.

Although Kate has struggled with separation anxiety at morning drop offs, there is no doubt that she thoroughly enjoys nursery and she has absolutely flourished in her time here.

We lover the personal touch of Ladybird – Mr Kenz greats everyone by name and always has a smile on his face, every teacher, assistant/helper know Kate by name and Ms Cilla (Principal) is often seen in and around the Classroom and interacting with the Children.

We are going to be very sad to leave Ladybird behind, but know it has provided Kate with an awesome platform as she starts her schooling at DESS.

Thank you Ladybird.

Lauren and Craig