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Josephine Cazavant

Ladybird has been a second home for Josephine since day one. She started FS1 in Ladybird only a couple of days after moving from London to Dubai and in this unstable period, she found a caring and nurturing environment. I cannot speak highly enough of the amazing teachers in Green Class, they are all so dedicated, professional, caring and understanding, exactly what every family is looking for when leaving your child in someone else’s hands.

I cannot thank enough Ms Andrea & Ms Donna who truly love Josephine and helped her settling in when arriving in Dubai, but they also helped me, guided and supported me as a newcomer mum in Dubai. Their kindness and generosity are outstanding.

We will miss all the lovely Staff at Ladybird and we will miss coming to Ladybird

All the best xxxxx

Gaelle & Jospehine Cazavant