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Nursery Protocols 2021

In September 2021, KHDA issued updated nursery protocols reducing the distancing between children to 1 metre. The protocols also included proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test for all visitors to the nursery.

Nursery Re-Opening 2020

Ladybird has reopened both of its branches in October 2020 and is now fully operational.

On 28th August, Ladybird received a letter from the Ministry of Education in the UAE. The letter stated the decision to re-open nurseries in the country on 4th October, 2020 in accordance with strict controls and preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID19. This letter was accompanied with a detailed document on the protocols and procedures of the operation of Nurseries and Childcare Centers during the pandemic.

Medical Care

Ladybird prioritises the health of its children above all else. The management of the nurse clinics at all Ladybird Nursery locations is under the renowned King’s College Hospital. Around one third of the hospital’s clinical staff, including all heads of department, have been recruited from the UK including King’s College Hospital, a trusted British teaching hospital, and its partner hospitals in the UK. The majority of King’s doctors have been educated and trained in Britain and have many years of experience working in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

COVID-19 Protocols

The protocols received from the MOE, KHDA, MOPHA, DM are strictly adhered to. The following highlights are some of the many measures that have been implemented in our settings:

  • Classrooms have been redesigned to “bubbles” giving each child a minimum space of 3½ square metres within the learning space.
  • All bags and shoes are disinfected upon entry into our settings.
  • Children work individually or in clusters of a maximum of two per activity.
  • Each child’s table and chair is labeled with their name and picture.
  • Children eat their snacks within their respective bubble.
  • Children are restricted to their bubble for outdoor activities. Each bubble has their own designated play area.
  • Hand-sanitisers have been placed throughout the premises including in every classroom and in every bathroom.
  • Staggered arrival and drop times are in place.
  • Drop off and pick up locations for parents and carers have been identified.
  • Social distancing signage is placed throughout our setting including under chairs and tables.
  • All staff wear masks at all times in the nursery setting.
  • The large majority of our staff have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Prospective parent tours are done virtually.
  • No visitors are allowed inside the premises.
  • Daily cleaning is done of all resources and the premises.
  • Ventilation systems are checked and cleaned regularly.
  • A full disinfection of the premises is being carried out weekly and prior to opening after term breaks and holidays.

COVID-19 Information for the Ladybird Community

Ladybird is continuously monitoring news and information related to the global COVID-19 pandemic. We are mindful that it is imperative to keep our community safe while continuing to ensure we provide a world-class education for our children. The following is a summary of actions taken by us in order to support our community during these unprecedented times:

  • Distance learning programs were in place for all our children, starting from 1st March 2020 to 2nd July 2020 over the Seesaw platform. Our teachers worked tirelessly to ensure that the development of our children was not compromised.
  • Term 3 (April – June 2020) fees were not charged to any of our parents. Our CEO, Monica Valrani, made this announcement on 4th April 2020, prior to the start of Term 3.
  • All payments made against Term 3 were refunded.
  • All our staff were retained through Term 3.
  • Both our branches (Jumeirah and JVC) were sanitized on 15th March 2020 and sealed on in accordance with government standards.

Rainbows of Hope

The Dragonflies class spread a message of hope to the world through their distance learning rainbow art activity.

Thank You to our Healthcare Workers

A tribute to UAE’s healthcare workers from the children of our Early Learning Centre in JVC.

Tributes to UAE’s healthcare workers keep pouring in from our children. We are so proud of our nation’s heroes.

Gratitude from our Parents

Our teachers have been working tirelessly to deliver our distance learning programme, so our children from the Dragonflies class decided to surprise their teachers with this thank you video montage! Brought tears to our eyes.

Gratitude from our Parents

A surprise thank you message from the children and parents of the Bumblebees class for Ms Hania and her team! As every day passes, we know that we get a day closer to being together again.

Thank You from our Teachers

“If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” We are deeply missing the children.