

Our Ladybird experience began when Charlie was just 5months old and he joined Ms Hania and Ms Angleyn in the Bumblebees Class.  As big chubby Charlie he adored his time here being introduced to new toys, foods, exploring senses and eventually taking his very first steps…….

He toddled off to Ms Rita’s class during his second year where he learnt more very important and fundamental life skills such as “sharing “and his “pleases/thank you all the while having lots of fun exploring and playing with his friends around the sandpit, splash pad and adventure playground.

Starting his third year off with Miss Nicole and then now with Miss Zee, Charlie was further introduced to more skills, useful knowledge and even French/Arabic Class!! He has thrived with such an amazing and friendly class of children and teaching staff this year.  He adores his pals and getting involved with lots of practical tasks as well as the creative ones – he has particularly enjoyed science and loves a show and tell session.

We want to say a huge thank you to Ladybird  – to the wonderful admin team and Priscilla (Principal), the teaching and support staff, Kez, the after-hours cleaning team and ever the very friendly yellow bus driver!  It’s been a wonderful loving second home for Charlie ad we are all excited for Theo to continue his journey in this wonderful nursery.

Thank you

Tom, Gemma, Charlie and Theo Bullock

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