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Amalia Fahd

To the wonderful staff at Ladybird Nursery. A big thank you for being the most nurturing, understanding and loving home for Amalia and her friends for the past two years. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my little ones academic/educational journey. Being a qualified Montessori teacher myself and having taught in Dubai, I understand the demands of dealing with the diverse/multi-cultural mix of students here. Being mindful and respectful towards the cultural/religious sensitivities of everyone as well as celebrating those diversities is indeed commendable.

Ms Andrea and Ms Donna have been particularly instrumental in supporting Amalia’s strong personality and nurturing her leadership quality. In the wrong hands it could have been mis-interpreted as stubbornness or non compliance and quashed which could kill their confidence and make them fearful/apprehensive of school and teachers. Fortunately, I’ll be taking a happy, confident and eager learner into school in September. Ms Andrea deserves a special mention for being such a patient and encouraging listener to my little story teller tales. I am safely say that she is one of Amalia’s best friends J Hope the nursery continues to be a loving home for many many more children in the years to come. Wishing you all the very best.

Forever grateful

Amalia, Rabiya & Fahd