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Dimitris Sermpetis

Dimitris being our third child, we knew exactly what we were looking for in a Nursery: a loving, safe clean place to help Dimitris make his first steps into independence and we found everything in Ladybird. We all felt that this is the right place.

Miss Diane, Miss Beth, Miss Darshini from last year gave him tones of love, hugs and affection. He became a lot more confident so when it was time to move on he was ready.

Miss Nicole, Miss Ingrid, Miss Suni and Miss Chadni took him a step further to this journey. Always with a big smile and a big hug well, welcoming his moods and embracing any difference he might have. They helped him settle well, make good friends, learn so much.

It has been an amazing experience these two years and we will be always grateful for this.

Many thanks to everyone!