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Evie Fellingham

We could not have asked for a better start to Evie’s education than the one that LBN has given.

Evie has loved every minute of her time with you all, and has developed a very strong bond with all of her teachers, especially Ms Andrea who has such a wonderful way with all the children. The patience and understanding of the Green class teachers has been exemplary, always willing to lend an ear or listen to any concerns we had.

It has been a lot of fun watching Evie come to grips with learning to count, learning the letter of the alphabet etc, but where Ladybird really stands out is the value and importance that is placed in teaching children the personal skills which will be so important to them in later life; Teaching them to care for one another, the value of empathy and showing them how to work and play together.

We will always cherish Evie’s time at Ladybird and the friends that she has made. We cannot thank you enough for giving her the best possible start. We will miss you all.

Jon, Jan & Evie.