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Zarak Khan

Dear Miss Kirsty, The day we first met you at Ladybird, we knew you were the best person for Zarak to have as his teacher. You have gone above and beyond to help Zarak settle in and created the most nurturing environment for him to be comfortable in. Zarak has thrived and excelled with all your teaching. He would come home with a big smile and talk about Miss Kirsty all day long. I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories you have made for Zarak – from Show and Tell, to Splash Pad Days, giving Zarak the class mascot and more!! Miss Kirsty, you have been the most positive driving force in Zarak’s life. He has developed notions of kindness, empathy and patience from being part of the Blue Class. Thank you so much for being so patient with Zarak at drop off, any child would be so lucky to have you as their teacher. We will miss you lots!