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Aydin Pasha

Miss Dianne and Gang, We moved to Dubai this year and everything was so new and confusing for Aydin. He felt displaces and lost. We had a bumpy start but you transformed him. Dragonfly is his home and family. I have seen him become his best self in the space you created. Even though he had a little brother and moved homes, the stability love and care you provided, comforted him so much that he accepted all these changes so happily. I have no idea what you do inside that room but when I peep through the window I see magic. So much love, so many cuddles and so much learning. Everyday Aydin tells me what he has learnt and all through play. I won’t forget leaving him and his first day and waiting outside anxiously. In one day with you no more tears! My entire family and all my friends know you, look forward to your pictures and are jealous at how fond he is of you. Enough about Aydin and a little about what you mean to us. You have schooled us and been our therapist and our friend. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making Dubai home for us and being our anchor and Aydin’s home and heart. Love, Yassir and Sada Ela, Aydin and Aymar