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Abbas Quresh

Dear Miss Dianne, The first day I left Abbas to the nursery, he cried and puked so much that I was called back in 45 minutes. Today he runs from the car to the classroom without looking back and that has been a wonderful journey to watch as a parent. It’s always a heart wrenching process to leave your child to someone unknown for the first time, but overtime you became family to us and especially for Abbas! The warmth and care you have shown throughout the year is exceptional. You treat our children like your own and that means the world to us Miss Dianne. You taught them, cared for them at such a personal level, spoiled them with love and all your treats, mannered them with kindness and most importantly created a home away from home for him. We will forever remember you as the best first teacher Abbas could ever have. Truly grateful for everything. You turned Abbas from a shy little baby to a talkative, happy child. Thank you for turning him into a wonderful boy. Lots of love Abbas and Family