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Sustainable Curriculum

Sustainability is central to our curriculum and facilities at Ladybird. Our children learn the importance of recycling through various activities including learning junk modeling through our Art and Crafts programme.


The planting garden is used for exploration every morning. Every child plants a seed in January and is able to observe the entire life cycle of a plant through the school year. The children understand that relationship between plants and healthy eating as they learn the relationship between plants and vegetables.

Water Conservation through Play

One of our most enriching activities is our water play in our customized mini-water park. As students enjoy the water they gain an understanding that the water that flows through the drain is reused for planting and flushing.

Learning about Energy Conservation

Every morning children discuss whether lights and air conditioning are needed in the classroom and take a collective decision with the teacher on whether they need to be switched on or not!

Green “LEED Gold” Building

Last but not least our JVC facility has received a gold LEED rating from the US Green Building Council. We are the only dedicated early years education setting to receive this rating. Our building sustainable measures include: