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Parents are the child’s first educator. We respect and value our parents and we aim to have an open, honest and supportive relationship with the families in our community. 

Parent Communication
All information for parents related to their child is posted by our teachers on our learning platform, Seesaw. Our teachers use the Seesaw platform to record evidence of the child’s learning in class against the curriculum objectives. In addition, a Curriculum Plan and class review letter is posted for the week on the Seesaw parent app that is securely accessible by parents through both iOS and Android devices or on the web.

Teacher Conversations
Your child’s class teacher will keep you informed of your child’s progress through informal and formal chats. We have an open-door policy and encourage parents to have a brief chat with their child’s teacher every morning. If parents are unable to do this, they can reach the school by phone or email at any time to schedule a conversation with the teacher.

Parent Teacher Conferences
We hold Parent/Teacher Conferences twice a year and these meetings are opportunities for parents to get an in-person update on their child’s progress from the class teacher. The principal also has an open-door policy and is available to parents during parent-teacher conferences and on a daily basis at the nursery premises

Parent Involvement
We seek parents’ support and involvement and value any parent contributions made that enhance the learning of the children at our nursery. Parents are invited to demonstrate their various skill and talents in whatever form these may take. We also welcome and celebrate families’ diverse backgrounds by inviting parents in during the celebrations of cultural and religious festivals.

Parent Questionnaires
Questionnaires are distributed on an annual basis which enables us to obtain feedback, suggestions and comments relating to any aspect of your Ladybird experience. Responses to the questionnaires are reviewed by the Board of Governors and any constructive feedback is acted upon immediately.

End of Year Reports
At the end of each academic year, a written report will be provided to parents by the child’s class teacher. This is a comprehensive summary of this child’s progress and attainment throughout the academic year as against the Early Years Foundation Stage objectives.